Challenge Headlines | Challenge Group Moves to a New Technology Center

Author: Challenge


Challenge Group Moves to a New Technology Center

Challenge Headlines | Challenge Group Moves to a New Technology Center

Relocation Announcement

Dear partners and friends from all walks of life:

Thank you for your long-term care, attention, and trust in Challenge Group. Due to the future development needs, Challenge Group's Beijing headquarters officially moved to  Building D2, Zhongguancun No.1, on December 24, 2023.

"Creating greater value for customers and society" is the unwavering original intention of Challenge Group. With a new location, a new starting point, new challenges, and a new future, Challenge Group will continue to move forward courageously, creating a new chapter with biotechnology to foster a better life together!

This announcement is hereby made.

Challenge Group

December 25, 2023

Challenge Headlines | Challenge Group Moves to a New Technology Center

On December 24, 2023, the relocation celebration ceremony of Challenge Group's Beijing headquarters was grandly held at Zhongguancun Yihao, Haidian District, Beijing. Mr. Xie Ning, Chairman of Challenge Group, Dr. Zhang Guangmin, Executive Vice President, Mr. Gao Yongsheng, Mr. Wang Fengjun, Mr. Liu Jia, and other executives of the group, along with Beijing headquarters staff, attended the celebration ceremony. Representatives from the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, as well as industry entrepreneurs and scientist representatives, were also invited to witness the new historical moment of Challenge Group.

Challenge Headlines | Challenge Group Moves to a New Technology Center

Challenge Headlines | Challenge Group Moves to a New Technology Center

In the 27-year journey of initial aspirations, Challenge Group has blossomed anew! Transitioning from an agricultural technology highland to a synthetic biology technology highland, and from a domestic career highland to a global technology highland, Challenge Group absorbs new thoughts and concepts, never forgetting its initial intention.

Challenge Headlines | Challenge Group Moves to a New Technology Center

Mr. Jin Weidong, Chairman of Wellhope Group, delivered a congratulatory speech at the celebration. Mr. Jin firstly expressed heartfelt congratulations to all Challenge members, stating that Challenge Group has evolved from a technological start-up to a high-tech and thriving force in the agricultural industry, with products spread globally and a market network covering the entire China. Now, from the highland of Chinese agriculture and the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Challenge Group has soared to the highest point of Chinese technology. In this new highland, with a broader platform, it will take flight, surging forward to higher goals and a greater future.

Challenge Headlines | Challenge Group Moves to a New Technology Center

Dr. Liu Shijie, Vice Chairman of the National Pig Technology Innovation Center and Chairman of Biofeed Group, spoke on behalf of the guests. Dr. Liu stated that Challenge Group has led the entire bio-feed industry's development with technology, especially in enzyme preparation technology, leading the significant development of high-end feed technology. In the future, Challenge Group will rely on synthetic biology as a new technological core and foundation. Dr. Liu believes that Challenge Group will bring a completely new technological solution to the livestock and breeding industry, providing better, safe, and delicious quality ingredients for consumers.

Challenge Headlines | Challenge Group Moves to a New Technology Center

The relocation celebration ceremony was presided over by Mr. Qin Hongbin, Vice President of Challenge Group.

Challenge Headlines | Challenge Group Moves to a New Technology Center

Mr. Xie Ning, Chairman of Challenge Group, expressed sincere thanks to all the leaders and guests attending the relocation celebration on behalf of the group. He announced the official start of the relocation unveiling ceremony and ribbon-cutting.

Challenge Headlines | Challenge Group Moves to a New Technology Center

Special guests, Mr. Jin Weidong, Chairman of Wellhope Group, Professor Liao Heping of Southwest University, Dr. Liu Shijie, Vice Director of the National Pig Technology Innovation Center and Chairman of Biofeed Group, Dr. Zhang Guangmin, Executive Vice President of Challenge Group, and Vice Presidents Mr. Gao Yongsheng, Mr. Wang Fengjun, Mr. Liu Jia, jointly cut the ribbon for the relocation ceremony.

Challenge Headlines | Challenge Group Moves to a New Technology Center

Representatives of the group's employees sent their blessings:

Wishing Challenge's business thriving every day!

Wishing Challenge's operations prosperous and lively!

Wishing Challenge's sales elites closing deals every day!

Wishing Challenge's families safe and happy!

Wishing good things happen to Challenge's colleagues!

Wishing Challenge Group abundant financial resources!

Challenge Headlines | Challenge Group Moves to a New Technology Center

The relocation celebration of Challenge Group's Beijing headquarters concluded successfully. With a new starting point, all Challenge members gathered in the world's technological highland, and Challenge Group's new business is ready to set sail. Because we have greater ideals and more dreams, we need a higher foundation to support our cause, and we need more strength to integrate more resources globally, pushing Challenge's business to the world. In this challenging era, let's not forget our initial intention, dare to challenge, gather consensus with new passion, and let Challenge's business shine in the new era, making a greater contribution to the health and happiness of human life with biotechnology.

Challenge Headlines | Challenge Group Moves to a New Technology Center

Challenge Headlines | Challenge Group Moves to a New Technology Center

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