Challenge Conference | Livestock Feed Technology and Economic High-level Forum(1)

Author: Challenge


Challenge Group Co-sponsors the 20th Anniversary Celebration of Livestock Feed Technology and Economic High-level Forum

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On December 12-13, 2023, the grand celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Livestock Feed Technology and Economic High-level Forum, as well as the twelfth session of the fourth council of the China Animal Husbandry Association, was held at the Wanda Jiayuan Resort Hotel in Haitang Bay, Sanya, Hainan. The forum, themed "Decoding the Success Code for the Next Twenty Years – Categories, Quality, Brand," reviewed the splendid achievements of the livestock feed industry over the past 20 years. It also provided strategic guidance for the development of the Chinese livestock industry and enterprises in the next 20 years, aiming to promote the high-quality and sustainable development of the Chinese livestock feed industry.

More than 800 industry representatives, including top strategic experts, economists, scientists, and entrepreneurs in the Chinese livestock feed industry, gathered at the event. Challenge Group, as a strategic partner, actively participated in the event. Mr. Xie Ning, Chairman of Challenge Group, and Dr. Zhang Guangmin, Executive Vice President, along with the group's management and marketing team, attended the forum.

Innovative Operation, Leading the Way

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On the evening of the 12th, at the award ceremony of the 20th-anniversary celebration of the high-level forum, Mr. Xie Ning, Chairman of Challenge Group, was honored with the "Innovation in Livestock Feed Industry Award." The award aimed to inject new ideas, thoughts, and motivation into the new era of livestock economy by the exemplary influence of leaders.

As a large-scale technology enterprise in the Chinese agricultural industry, Challenge Group actively builds an open-ended full industry chain loop, encompassing feed production, livestock farming, food processing, cold chain logistics, chain sales, financial insurance, and big data operation platforms. While providing consumers with safer and higher-quality animal products, Challenge Group establishes a sound business model, creating a platform for more people to share wealth and success. Internally, the group promotes strategic development and change management, encourages a shift of management personnel towards service support, implements a "reverse triangle" management model, and enhances the overall operational efficiency of the group, creating greater value for external customers.

Interactive Forum, Discussing the Future Together

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On December 13, Mr. Liu Jia, Vice President of Challenge Group, was invited to attend the interactive forum on "Future New Generation Entrepreneurs – New Formats Changing the Future of the Industry." They discussed the future development of the industry based on five keywords: "inheritance, innovation, responsibility, beauty, breakthrough."

Biotechnology Leading Innovation

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Challenge Group, as a leader in synthetic biology in the livestock feed industry, set up a booth to showcase core chip technology products such as enzyme preparations, microbial preparations, and small molecule active proteins. At the same time, they sponsored the forum's tea break, providing exquisite and distinctive cuisine for the attendees.

Gathering of Industry Leaders, Competitive Events

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During the forum, Challenge Group hosted the special event of the 67th "Challenge Cup" Fedy Golf Invitational. The competition, held from December 11 to 13, brought together heavyweight industry leaders to exchange views on the current industry situation and assess future development prospects.

Biotechnology Creates a Better Life Together

The forum concluded magnificently, summarizing the past and looking forward to the future, playing a very positive role in promoting the development of the Chinese livestock feed industry. As a Chinese "Biotechnology Chip Innovation Organization" in the livestock feed industry, Challenge Group, with more than two decades of commitment to public welfare activities and a cumulative investment of over 20 million RMB, has actively contributed to society. This fully expresses Challenge Group's initial aspiration to "shoulder the heavy responsibility of the Chinese feed industry and strive for the peak of world feed technology." Challenge Group will not forget its original intention, drive industrial development, and use biotechnology to create a better life together!

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